

Brightly colored textiles, dancing devils, llamas, pink dolphins, coca leaves, Inca ruins, colonial cities, huge snow capped mountains, long winding rivers, surf filled beaches and of course the food! And that's not even close to describing this fascinating country.
Peru is the third largest country in South America and one of the most geographically diverse. With the Andes running down the middle and the Amazon basin and desert Pacific coastline on either side, Peru boasts an exciting mix of glaciated mountains, steamy jungle and sandy beaches that is just asking to be explored.

Although often known as the land of the Incas, there are so many more ancient civilizations. The wealth of archeological sites dotted all across the country is truly mind blowing. From Machu Pichu to Chan Chan, from Kuelap to the tomb of Lord Sipan- there is just so much to learn about! And don't forget the colonial legacy that can be seen in much of the architecture throughout the country.
Modern day Peru is a country full of contrasts. You can see huge wealth and abject poverty, a strong Catholic faith mixed with indigenous beliefs or global brand names coexisting with local produce and enterprises. There is an amazing mix of cultures throughout the country that has produced a remarkable amount of art, folklore and dances- as you will see if you are lucky enough to experience one of its colorful festivals! The people are strong, hardworking and incredibly friendly- you will be made to feel really welcome here.
And we have to mention the food! This is a topic that Peruvians will never tire of talking about and you will understand why once you have tucked into your first ceviche or lomo saltado or aji de gallina or arroz con pato or tacacho con cecina or... you get the idea- the food is good! And we haven't even started on the pisco sours...
From trekking to sightseeing, from adventure sports to lying on a beach, from ruins to rainforest- there is something for everyone in Peru, and so much to choose from that you might just have to plan a second visit!

When to go

Peru has different temperatures in different parts of the country, so it really depends on where you want to go! In general terms we could say that it is best to visit the mountains and jungle between May and November because this is the driest season. The coast has its summer between November and May, but in most destinations there is sun all year round. We have included specific information on each destination in our travel guides, so make sure you check those out for more details to help you plan your trip.

Our hotels

Throughout your Peru adventures we have small, carefully chosen bed & breakfasts or boutiques, owner-run by people who are passionate about what they do. From converted colonial mansions to jungle eco lodges, all of our hotels try to focus on local culture to give you a real flavor of the traditions in the place you are visiting. To cater to different travel styles we have many hotel options in each destination. If you're looking for something a bit different, we also offer a set of Special Stays, which takes your client to some of Peru's most incredible locations. We also work with local communities to offer a unique experience of staying in traditional Peruvian homes.

Getting around

Peru has such a variety of terrain that it's not always that easy to navigate! It is also a pretty big country and so to get from place to place quickly we fly with LAN and Taca airlines who both offer very good and reliable service. For shorter trips we use Cruz del Sur bus company- its more expensive than some buses but we really believe it's worth paying extra to ensure safety. If your client needs to travel independently in the cities they can use combis and micros (buses) but while being carefull and taking in mind that they are run by private companies and their ideas of how to drive differ from other countries. Taxis are another option but we suggest to take cabs from our recommended taxi companies as an extra precaution.

Safety & Health

Peru is generally safe but there are pickpockets, especially in the bigger cities. Being sensible is key, as anywhere in the world. Foreigners will always stick out already, and we suggest not to wear eye catching jewelry or expensive cameras, laptops or iPhones around. Don't venture into unsafe areas. If travelling by bus, don't leave belongings unattended. Health wise, make it is important to check the local consulate and make sure to get the necessary vaccinations before traveling, especially if going to jungle areas. Take precautions against altitude sickness in the highlands. Peruvian food is some of the best in the world but there are also dodgy restaurants- try and only eat in recommended places.

Family travel

We ourselves have families and young children and we travel with them all the time, but you do need to plan carefully. The long distances between places, the high altitudes and subsequent risk of altitude sickness, and the possibility of getting an upset stomach, all need to be taken into consideration. However, we're great at offering assistance as we've done it ourselves before.

Popular Destinations on Peru

  • Machu Picchu
  • Sacred Valley
  • Cusco
  • Arequipa & Colca
  • Amazon
  • Nazca
  • Lima
  • Puno
  • Paracas & Ica
  • Trujillo